Student Rental

Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further information.

With our new room and board offerings, we're making it even easier for borrowers to find the right solution for their needs. We understand the importance of students to find housing options. That's why we're excited to provide a convenient solution that takes care of both students and those looking into this option. It's all about creating a supportive and stress-free environment for students to thrive in.

Solutions for those who have bruised credit, are new to Canada, or are self-employed.


Submit a Deal Online

Find the solution

View our lending products above or chat with us to see which product suits your deal

Choose your software

Choose your preferred mortgage origination software for submission, either Velocity or Filogix

Submit your application online through your preferred software and wait for your approval to roll in!*

Submit online

Questions? Try our 10-Minute Deal Run

Our 10-minute deal run calls allow you to quickly determine if your deal fits with us and to learn about our extensive range of lending products.